给外国书友的一些话(1 / 1)

仙王的日常生活 枯玄 223 字 2022-09-06

tday, ku uan reeived the essage fr the editr f the freign editrial departent “sunny“.

sunny tld e that “irtal king“ ranked eighth in the nthly tiket list f verseas statins.

as the authr f this bk, i feel verheled by an unepeted favur.

“the daily life f the irtal king“ ill be adapted int aniatins, gaes and is.

i hpe that all f yu ill ntinue t pay attentin!..

i a very grateful t the supprt f freign paninship f bks, thank yu fr yur enjyent f this rk.

as an authr, i ill try t plete this bk and rite re interesting stries t give bak t everyne.